Artificial Intelligence: Logic and Humanities

Team:  Walter Alexandre Carnielli (main researcher) (Professor Titular, CLE e IFCH, Unicamp); Juliana Bueno-Soler (Professora-Doutora Adjunta, FT- Unicamp Limeira, Ana Cláudia Golzio (Pós-Doutoranda, Unesp- Marília), Mariana Matulovic da S. Rodrigueiro (Professora-Doutora Adjunta, Unesp Tupã), Luiz Henrique Silvestrini (Professor-Doutor Adjunto, Unesp Bauru), Rafael Testa (Pesquisador Associado, CLE- Unicamp). Colaborator: Flávio de Godoy Carnielli (audiovisual producer).

AI and Humanities

There is currently a significant focus on possible ethical, security and legal issues in relation to AI applications. We need, on the one hand, to handle and understand the scope of such concerns in order to shape the long-term future. On the other hand, we must not ignore the social benefits that AI can actually offer. In both cases, it is necessary to emphasize to the students the perspective that our actions today can shape the future of AI.

Videos (in pt.)

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Moral dilemmas in AI

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is the process of evaluating opinions before considering them to be true. Thus it involves taking a critical position using literacy skills, including logic, solid arguments and the ability to understand perspectives before making assumptions or reaching a conclusion. Critical thinking includes learning the principles of argumentation, questioning the status quo, reviewing existing ways of thinking things, verifying common facts and assumptions, and even verifying if an AI system is behaving reasonably.

Videos (in pt.)

Introduction to Critical Thinking

Scientific Method and AI

Artificial and Human Intelligence

Logic and Fake News

Knowing how to identify fake news is essential in today’s society. Education plays an important role in combating misinformation and the spread of fake news. We intend to develop criticality to combat misinformation, opposing the belief in the accuracy of classical logic with concepts from Fuzzy Set Theory to build a computational model of data analysis, showing some results that can be obtained using AI-based systems.

Videos (in pt.)

Fake News

Fuzzy Sets

Fuzzyfication and Reasoning: systems based on fuzzy rules


The Brazilian National Common Curricular Base incorporates skills and competences inherent to the elaboration, development and critical and ethical use of digital technologies. The development of skills and competences linked to problem solving through the development and construction of automated and robotic devices, as well as the creation of algorithms and logical programming, are the foundations of our activities.

Videos (in pt.)

Arduino: tools and mathematical concepts

Assembling an Autonomous Robot

Autonomous Robot (Tinkercad circuit model)

Autonomous Robot Chassis (Tinkercad 3D model)

Free courses

Experts say that AI is the next industrial revolution, bringing about changes such as electricity did decades ago. With every massive change of this type, it is important that children and young people receive the right education to prepare them. Pedagogy must take this into account, but teaching AI can be expensive and out of reach for many. In addition to the original didactic material prepared for this project, there are many free resources disseminated on the web for those who know where and how to find.

Video (in pt.)

Free online material